Monday, April 8, 2019

Mid Century Modern in Luxe...

We found this dresser in very very very used condition.
As you can see below.

Missing hardware pieces.  Chipped veneer in 
various places.

Formica top was okay.

More chipped veneer.

Sanded down after we sealed in those 
chopped veneer pieces.

Sealed in the scratches on the sides.

I painted it in Luxe by 
Joanna Gaines Magnolia Chalk Paint.
Its a green with gray undertones so it softens
the green so it's not so bright.  Very neutral.

Changed out the hardware with some knobs I loved from 
Hobby Lobby that they discounted :/ 

So I stained the bottom drawers and bottom base
in a dark walnut then sealed in a flat sealer.
This was my initial design I wanted.

Then I asked John to come see it.

He looks at it and says wow!  
But how about we change it up some and he 
put the bottom drawers in the middle.
I loved it!  But I loved the bottom drawer look too!

Then he goes okay how about this...and puts the
 stained drawers on the top!!
I was like oh my Gosh!! Please stop!!
I loved that too!  I just couldn't decide.
I love all three looks!

Cash or Zelle only upon pick up or delivery.
Delivery to 1st floor only available
for an additional fee of $20.

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